Welcome to the new English Day: 2012

This is to invite you to the next celebration: English Day 4th in Almonte. It will be the 4th. meeting.
Visitors: CEIP Dunas de Doñana and IES Doñana
Host: CP El Lince
Date: 27th. April
Sponsored by:
- Ayto. Almonte
- Oxford University Press
- Richmond-Santillana

Are you coming?
Are you a visitor or the host?
What do you expect to find there?
Think about it and leave your comment.
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Monday, 30 April 2012

Have your say.....

The 4th English Day was celebrated. It was succesfull and, as far as I know, everyone had a lovely day, even the weather came to remember us a typical English weather.... lttle rain, not enough to ruin the outdoor activities.

It would be nice if you write your opinion and, in particular, the ways to improve in order to be better next year. Thanks for your help.

1 comment:

  1. We have everyone a day very nice. I like a lot this day. We met with differents schools: IES Doñana, El Lince and us. We play different workshops. My favourite workshop is baseball and the music. When the workshop finished evryone met in the gym to sing de song that us prepare. I missed the activuty for the big groups, and the workshop of twister. I lovely this workshops. The school of "EL LINCE" gave us a present: a small handbag with the logo of english day, it's grey, and original and is for cloth.

